Panic over. Normal weather service has been resumed. Here is the view from the patio at our villa at the Rocks:
As we are staying at the Rocks for the week, I will be commuting to home. It's a tough commute - just under 2 miles! No traffic at any time of the day.
Got a visit from Jon, one of the other forum members, who was on a flying business visit from the UK and helped identify a few parts for me. As he walked into the garage his first words were "where's the silencer?" - I hadn't twigged I was missing a rather large shiny bit (at least I had noticed that it was missing the tip with the 90 degree bend). Another thing to add to the list.
Jon advised I use the AeroRace 2008 build manual - so much better at explaining what to do for some of the fundamental items than the FW/S2000 manuals. It made me realize my first mistake (of many to come?). I had carefully measured the hole for the steering column by fitting the upper column and using masking tape:
However, I realized after looking at the AeroRace manual there is an aluminum spacer block to go on the lower mount, which will shift the lower end down, so now the hole is in the wrong place - and it fit perfectly! As suspected, I will now have to take the larger hole and grommet approach. In my defence, the spacer was in a plastic bag with a bunch of unrelated items and I only realized what it was when I saw the pictures in the AeroRace manual (each section has pictures at the start of the parts needed).
Westfield has confirmed they are sending me the front wishbones later this week. Am not holding my breath.
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