Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fiddling with my Configuration

As the Westfield configuration wasn't correct for the oil pressure, and as I have checked the oil pressure with a mechanical gauge (hopefully that is right), I decided to change the configuration file manually - I had noted down readings at various RPM on the Dash2 and the mechanical gauge and determined that the Dash2 was fairly consistently out by a factor of 1.8, so using a laptop I reconfigured the scaling so it would read more sensible pressures. We will see how far off I am once I get the correct file from Westfield. While I was at it, I converted the reading from bar to psi (multiply by 14.503778, so what had been showing as 2.8 bar, now actually reads around 73 psi, which is in line with what I saw on the mechanical gauge and is about where it should be - perhaps a little low).

I also changed the scaling of the temperature gauge from centigrade to fahrenheit, and the gas tank from % remaining to US gallons (but I had to guess at the tank size of 45 litres - I have a feeling that is a little large, I think it may be closer to 30. Easy enough to fix once I get the confirmation from Westfield).

Was too hot to take Mr. Westfield out today - will take him to play tennis early in the morning. He will enjoy that.

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