Fitting the connectors for the rear lights
Fairly straightforward, so no pictures here. I just identified which wires were which on the loom and made up a plug on each side to fit. As I had put the reversing light on the right and the fog on the left, I was able to wire everything into a single plug on each side, after soldering all the earth wires together and adding a pigtail.
Boot box
Once that was done, I fitted rivserts to fit the boot box.
Time to play with the Clecos again! |
Only slight trouble for this was that one of the holes I drilled missed the body on the left hand side (there wasn't much to drill into for some reason on that side), so I had to do another hole, no big deal, as it won't be seen, but I know it is there. My rivsert tool died in the process. It was a cheap one I had picked up on eBay in the UK. Now I know why it was so cheap. I have not fitted the locks to the boot lid yet, as I am waiting for a replacement lid from Westfield.
Brake switch wiring
Extended the brake switch line so that it would actually reach the pressure switch (one of the problems of a LHD car).
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