Saturday, May 2, 2015

Steering wheel is in!

First item on the agenda today was to fit the steering column. It will have to come out again when I put the engine in, but no harm in doing it anyway, to make sure everything fits and works as it should. Oh yes, that's right, I have no front suspension or uprights, so there is nothing to turn!

The reason for all this effort? Take a look on the right. I think that kind of shot is mandatory for this kind of project. Yes I did make engine noises. Why the helmet? I was worried Mr. Westfield might fall off the build stands!

There is no room at all in this car I am tight against both sides of the cockpit - as it was originally designed as a right-hand drive car, the other side is slightly wider. I may need to cut down on the wine if I actually want to be able to drive this car once the bodywork is on!

Here is a wind in the hair shot!

Other jobs done today? Still haven't played with my new labeling machine to put tags on all the wires of the harness so I know what's what without the wiring diagram (hands up everybody who had a Dymo label printer when they were young - well, they have improved a little).

Had a lot of back and forth on where to fit the fuse holders - the manual says to make a hole in the scuttle and fit them in the engine bay - I think that would look untidy and I am not sure I want them exposed to all the heat and grime under there. After careful consideration and discussion with other Westfield owners via the forum, I decided to fabricate a bracket out of aluminium and mount them under the scuttle - they will be hidden out of the way, but I should still be able to get to them should I need to:
I also mounted a bracket to hold the ECU (should I ever get it) and relays. This has to hinge down for access (so you can plug a laptop into it), so I used the existing bracket for the steering column that is there for RHD models. Quite proud of my initiative, if I say so myself:

Just a final shot of the steering column and wheel - the wheel will be replaced with a quick release hub and wheel, but I have a feeling I have to cut and weld the column to fit that. Another question for Westfield - I will wait until the car is drivable to do that, just in case I need to lengthen the steering column a bit.

I think the clutch pushrod may be too long - the clutch pedal is much higher than the accelerator - I will wait until I have the brake cylinders before doing anything, so I can align all the pedals, which will make heel-and-toeing a lot easier. Difficult to see in the picture - the accelerator pedal is at bottom left and I am holding the clutch with my thumb - there is at least 4 inches difference at the moment. Add to the question list for my friends at Westfield.

Finally, this little guy came to visit. Actually not that little, about a foot long, and he was missing part of his tail. He kept sticking his tongue out at me, and I am not sure what that means. I didn't stick around to find out.

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