Everything went together really easily, however, the bolts for the upper mount for the rear uprights were too short - I have a feeling it is because the Protech dampers are a little wider. I don't have any thread showing through the nylock nut at all:

Torquing up the balljoint nuts on the front suspension was possible using a wobble bar attached to the torque wrench - it gave just enough flexibility to be able to access the nut.
So I got the car down off the build stands using my engine hoist and trolley jack - that was the easy part of the afternoon - I now have a car in my courtyard:

I knew it wouldn't get through the gate with the wheels on, but I thought it would just fit through with them off - unfortunately I was wrong - it was about 1" too wide at the rear. I had expected this, to be honest, and thought that if I was able to tip the chassis on its side I would be able to get it out - easier said than done! I finally did it using the hoist and the jack again (hoist at the rear right corner and the jack under the front right wheel). It was a bit precarious, but I was able to get enough of an angle to get the rear hubs out and back on its wheels:

The front is slightly narrower, and I just put it on a dolly after taking the wheels off and took it out at an angle - all in all the operation took about 2 hours - would have been a lot easier/quicker if I had had an assistant!
I now realize how tiny this car is - here it is next to my TR3, which is not a big car at all!

The Westfield will now be living in the garage, so I can put the engine in and get everything connected up. This will be on Thursday, as I am off to the track tomorrow. The four post lift should make working on it fairly comfortable.

I also received the side impact bars yesterday, but I can't for the life of me see how they will mount - it looks like they should mount under the roll bar and then under the floor using the seat mounting holes, but nothing lines up - also there is nothing to mount the front to - it doesn't line up with any of the threaded inserts in the chassis - another question for Westfield.
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